Saturday, November 24, 2012

This is What Memories are Made of

We left from our family Thanksgiving gathering so that we could drive mostly in daylight. Somewhere between my sister-in-law's house and our house, we got the idea to go to the Circle of Lights celebration in downtown Indy after we got home. Originally, we thought we would stop at home and grab some socks and boots before heading downtown. The girls and I had on absolutely no socks....just barefoot in our Tom's! I am not a real stickler on wearing socks when we are just spending our time indoors, but I thought we absolutely had to have them outside in the cold!

By the time we were an hour from home, we realized that it would take way too long to stop at home, then go downtown. We thought about just giving up on the downtown idea and going home, since after all, we hadn't been home in a day and a half! However, something came over us. Maybe it was the Christmas music we were singing along to, or maybe it was the need for an adventure, but we decided that we would brave downtown....socks or no socks!

Hubby and I have not been to the Circle of Lights celebration in years. In fact, our youngest daughter has never even been. We found parking at the very top of an eight story parking garage that was a few blocks from the Circle. Knowing how my children operate, I thought if we searched long enough, we may be able to find some socks in the car somewhere. I was right! I found two socks (not from the same pair) wedged under the backseat. We decided that our youngest could wear the socks. The rest of us would brave the cold!

The crowd was unimaginable. When Indy hosted the Superbowl, it was crowded, but not like this. It was wall to wall people leading up to the main stage on the Circle. We plowed ahead, determined to get as close as possible. I can't say I have ever brought my children into a crowd like this. The great thing about the crowd was that everyone was in a great mood! I love being in crowds where everyone is caught up in holiday spirit! We squeezed our way to a side alley and took the long way to the other side of the Circle, not by the main stage.

Avery started to get teary because we weren't close. I told her that we absolutely could not move any closer. There were people surrounding us on all sides! She said in her determined little voice, "But mom....this is an adventure. Follow me. WE have to get closer." She took off with me in tow. We followed her! Thank goodness we did! Our little brave adventurer pushed her way (and ours) all the way to the side of the stage where we had a great view!

Despite the frozen feet, we had a wonderful time. We loved the live Christmas music and were surprised by the fake snow that showered the people on the Circle! Santa came and there was a countdown to the lighting of the tree. Then there was a huge fireworks display!! We snapped some pictures on our phones, but they aren't that great. Here are some snapshots of our adventure!

Spontaneity is a wonderful thing! Sometimes I think parents get so up tight that they lose their sense of what it means to cultivate childhood wonder! I know some parents would have been "responsible" and gone home, instead of going around downtown in freezing temps with no socks. We just decided we aren't those kind of parents! We only get one shot at this with these kids of ours. We have to make it memorable. Now we have a special memory of our cold footed surprise trip to a very crowded downtown! Afterward we went to Starbucks and got some chocolatey drinks and got home late. It's okay to stop and smell the roses sometimes....or in our case, feel the cold pavement! The look of wonder in the girls' eyes when they saw the fake snow made it all worthwhile.

This is what memories are made of! It's the small moments. The snapshots of our life that we don't necessarily plan.

Now I am in that holiday spirit!!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Things that Make me Laugh

I LOVE unsolicited child raising advice from people who don't have any children of their own. It cracks me up. I always take it all in and nod and say "uh huh" at all the right parts of the advice giving. Unsolicited child raising advice givers are all the same.....always female.....always "experts" in their own minds....always lovers of hearing their own voice. After I take it all in and the person isn't around, my husband and I get a good laugh! It used to annoy me, but now I find it to be one of those hilarious things about life. We say, "Awww, isn't that cute that so and so gave more child rearing advice?" Hehehehe.

Newsflash....we have lived with children for eight years! We got this.


Actual moms are the first to admit their flaws, which is an endearing quality.

Edit (11/24): I was feeling really low when I wrote this. Yuck. I am usually not this bitter about people. If you are taking the time to read this, I promise this isn't about you! Love you all!

Monday, October 22, 2012

One More...

I may or may not have a secret musical crush on Marcus Mumford.

My Musical Obsession

I can't get enough of the new Mumford & Sons album, "Babel." I am officially obsessed.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mending my Broken Heart

I doubt anybody reads this stuff anymore....I have been anti-writing on my blog for awhile. So typing this is just therapy for me. The last two weeks have been heart breaking for me. Let's just say I planned something to perfection for over a year, dreamed about it nonstop, carried out the plan, and it didn't work out and ended in heartbreak. Life came to a halt. Finally....finally, this weekend I am feeling some healing going on in this heart of mine.

Today was a happy day with many blessings. My sweet family slept in late. I drank my favorite coffee. We laid around for awhile in our pajamas, then left the house. We drove through the country with the new Mumford and Sons CD blaring in our car. We learned that Mumford and Sons makes Avery sing like she is Irish. We drove through some of the most beautiful fall foliage. We went out to lunch together, went shopping, laughed, and had fun together as a family. We rolled our eyes as the girls and I took my husband to Justice and Old Navy, where he acted like a goofy dad the whole time. I let Piper pretend to put makeup on me and do my nails. I watched a silly Bollywood movie that made me smile and want to dance. I got a care package from my mom with some "As Seen on TV" goodies. It truly was a beautiful Saturday.

I have to remember that life cannot be planned to perfection. Sometimes things go wrong....sometimes terribly wrong. But even in those dark hours, there is so much beauty around us. There is so much laughing to do. And so much to be grateful for. I have the best husband and two beautiful, healthy girls. Bad stuff happens, but life goes on.

I am writing this to remind myself in the times that I go to that dark place and forget all the beauty in my life. This is just my reminder.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Well, Hello There

I just stumbled upon my own blog here. I have been away for so long that I forgot what the background looked like. When I saw it just now, I thought, "Wow, aren't you lovely?"

So....what am I up to today? Well, I am laying on my couch, burning a candle, and listening to some nice music. Hanging out with a heating pad. I am trying to take care of myself, body and soul. I am also trying to ignore the nagging thought that this is my fifth day away from work, which is so unheard of for me. I am just not physically ready to take on a full day yet.

I have had a personal tragedy. One that was months in the making and that will take a bit to get over. Even before this last week, I have been hiding out. Not in the mood to blog. Not really calling people on the phone....not that I ever do that anyway.

And that about sums up what I feel like saying. I do like the colors and layout of this blog though, if I do say so myself. Someone with style savvy must have designed this.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Sunshine and Lollipops

Someone recently marveled at how happy and fabulous my life seems based on Facebook posts. I had to laugh. It is true that I am happy, but it is not true that I don't have my own fair share of problems. I never share the big problems, and there always are some floating around, just like everybody else. It is FACEBOOK, not a full depiction of my whole life! I do interact on Facebook on my phone frequently, but I really don't take it too seriously. I don't find it necessary to share life's problems on Facebook, just like I don't share pictures that I don't think look good! In my opinion, no one on Facebook wants to hear moaning and groaning. Yes, I occassionally say I am having a bad day, but that is rarely posted. Instead, I like to inject humor into my daily life on my Facebook posts (stuff people want to see). But friends, don't be fooled! My life isn't all sunshine and lollipops 24/7.