Saturday, January 15, 2011

One More Hour....

Sometimes having a daughter is like a cruel test of mental endurance. Fortitude. It takes the fortitude of a soldier to withstand the drama of a daughter sometimes. Has anyone else in the world felt like their daughters are just relentless??? (Mom- no comments necessary). My lovely six year old daughter has tested my every ounce of patience and self control that I have today. Did I mention that I feel like mud? I am achy all over. All of the glands in my neck are swollen. I am congested. Do you think my little daughter cares about her mother's health even one iota? OF COURSE NOT. I am envisioning how lovely it would be to just lock myself in a closet and bang my head against the wall for an hour. How did this daughter of mine get to be so dramatic? HOW? In one more hour my husband will be home from work. Until then, here is a song to remind me to be kind to my daughter...even when I fantasize about hanging her upside down from her toenails.


Marisa said...

I hate to say it but it only gets WORSE.... 14 is going to be the death of me.. HA