Tuesday, August 11, 2009

There's More Than Corn in Indiana

I promise I am not turning this into a food blog, although, that isn't a bad idea. I just wanted to show you these delicious ears of steaming, hot buttery corn on the cob. Oh wait...what's that you say? There's something funny about that corn? Oh yeah. That isn't corn, but fabulously delicious cupcakes! We have been drooling over the cool pictures in our Hello, Cupcake book since Christmas and we finally took the plunge. We took these beauties to the Anderson's cookout where they were devoured. Cheers to deceptively delicious cupcakes!


T said...

I must say they tasted as good as they looked!

Lindsay said...

yellow frosting, various shades of yellow jelly beans, yellow Starburst for butter, black and white sprinkles for salt and pepper...just in case you were wondering

Lex said...

OMG! I never saw this before. Thats so awesome. Thats my favorite cook book ever!