Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Country Living Fair 2009

Well, it is Wednesday and I am just now recovering from the lovely three day weekend I had with my mom. We drove to Columbus, OH just to attend the Country Living Fair after she flew here from Phoenix, of course! She used her Marriot points to score us two nights at at the Renaissance hotel in downtown Columbus. I adore free hotel stays. We had no idea what to expect at the Fair because we have never attended. It just sounded like a fun getaway. I have a few pictures that I will post soon of our adventures. The Fair exceeded all expectations. There were so many vendors and artists! Not everything was exactly my style, but I loved looking at absolutely everything and I left feeling totally inspired. Our two most special, fabulous finds were paintings by Deirdre Friebely and jewelry by Maryellen Kim. My mom's outfit completely matched the Oscar Meyer Weenie Mobile (picture to come). The only downfalls of the trip were my mom's annoying GPS system and the lack of bathrooms at the Fair. I actually started saying things like, "What did he say?" "What does he want me to do?" in regards to the GPS. I almost had to throw him out the window after hearing "route recalculation" a gazillion times. At one point I thought it would be funny to drive around in circles in a parking lot just to confuse the heck out of the GPS. He went silent. Yes, I managed to get a GPS system to give up on me. As soon as I figure out how to get pictures out of the internal memory on my camera, I will post them and share more about our adventures. We had a great time, as usual. My heart was tugging a bit for Matthew and the girls though...that is inevitable!