Friday, February 5, 2010

Vacation Diaries, Part 3: Spa Faux Pas

On my first full day in Arizona, my mom and I were so lucky to get to go to a spa. As a birthday gift, she received two very generous gift certificates to the Willow Stream Spa at the Fairmont Princess Resort in Scottsdale. This was as much my gift as hers because I was the lucky one who got to go with her! Usually the only pampering that I endulge in is of the diaper variety, so this was truly special. We had massages, pedicures, and facials. Pure bliss! Here are some pictures....then I will share some spa faux pas with you!

This first picture was taken outside of the spa entrance AFTER our whole day was done. Normally, I would not post a picture where my hair looks so ridiculous, but I think this picture is funny because of the contrast in our outfits. Can you tell who lives in Indiana and who lives in Scottsdale? Looking back on this photo, I can't believe my black, long sleeved shirt and my scarf while my mom is looking carefree in a short sleeved white t-shirt. I guess I forgot that I wasn't in Indiana anymore!
I love palm trees. If it wouldn't look freaky, I would plant one in my yard in Indiana. This was a lovely palm of the resort. Every time I am in Arizona, the sky looks just like this...clear and blue. I am never there during monsoon time, so this is all I know!

I liked the entrance to the spa. I was feeling artsy, so I took this photo. It reminds me of a Spanish mission or something.

Here is my artsy close-up. Look at that blue sky! I hope my Indiana readers enjoy this shot!

This was just a fountain, but I thought it was beautiful, considering it was in January!

I stopped to take a picture of this courtyard at the resort. My mom asked me why I was taking a picture of a bunny. I didn't even know the bunny was there until after the picture!

More palm trees!

This is a balcony that overlooked the pool. My mom thought it was funny that people were swimming. She said they must be tourists. Arizona people don't swim during this time of year. I would though! The weather felt perfect to me. Arizona people think the weather is cold in January. Clearly, these people are mentally insane due to all the sunshine and palm trees.

I hope you enjoyed these shots of paradise! Now on to some funnies....
Yesterday it was Zoo McHugh. Today it is Spa Faux Pas. Rhyming is fun, boys and girls! I am on a rhyming kick. I sent my cousin a poem about a duck (at her request) and my friend, Carmen a birthday poem this morning. The reason I am calling this post Spa Faux Pas is because of my interesting observations of myself and others during my time at Willow Stream spa.
1. My mother and I are not open with our nudity. The spa has a locker room. We learned that 98% of women are open with their nudity. We are the other 2%. This led to us trying to stifle giggles the entire time we were in the locker room. P.S. To the lady walking around nude....if you are in your fifties and have a giant bruise on your butt cheek, you may not want to be walking around nude. I'm just saying. I couldn't even look at my mom when this lady was standing directly behind us. I can't even tell you our other observation of this poor lady. It is inappropriate for my PG blog.
2. When trying to dispose of a used towel, you may NOT want to throw it in the receptacle labeled "Waste." You should probably throw it in the receptacle labeled "Soiled Towels." Sorry about the towel, Willow Stream spa. I don't get out much.
3. Don't be enticed by cookies labeled as "organic." Don't assume that all cookies are created equal. Organic cookies taste Like cardboard or dirt.
4. When rubbing my feet for a pedicure, never say, "Isn't there just John Deere in Indiana." This is for your own safety because I will be tempted to kick you in the face.
5. While in a spa with your mother, watch out for her! She may just accidentally go into the Men's Spa because she couldn't read the sign on the door without her reading glasses. Thank goodness I steered her in the right direction. If the men's locker room is anything like the women's locker room, I don't think we could have recovered from the fright.
6. When sitting in a beautiful waiting area, don't talk openly to everyone about IBS and poop. The other spa-goers may not appreciate it as they are basking in the blissful surroundings. We were sitting near about seven twenty somethings talking about their bowels. Too much information!!! This was another moment where my mom and I looked at each other with raised eyebrows.
7. Note to self: Do not eat a bagel with cream cheese and drink coffee before a massage. It may just lead to strange sounds coming from your stomach while you are being massaged.
8. Note to my mom: Try to refrain from drooling on the floor during your massage. (This always happens to her, but don't tell anyone. She would be embarrassed.)
Despite the "Spa Faux Pas" that were observed, we had an amazing day. I felt so serene and rejuvenated. It was wonderful.
Then I turned on my cell phone.
Stay tuned for Part 4!


Mom said...

I have so much fun reliving our adventure! I cant wait to do it again.

SarahSLP said...

I am having so much fun reading these Linds! It's like I am on vacation with you :)

Beth Terry Hill said...

Now I am crying I'm laughing so hard! Can't wait for our next adventure!