Sunday, April 10, 2011


I am so annoyed with myself for being m.i.a. on my blog. I love writing on my blog, but I have been suffering from a combination of writer's block and extreme busyness. Most nights I fall asleep watching t.v. and don't make it to the computer at all! Please forgive me and keep reading my posts!

I don't want to annoy anyone with this post, but I just can't help it. I am bursting with joy over Spring. This has been one LOOOOOOOOOOONG Indiana winter. This has been the worst winter I can remember in a long time. However, FINALLY we have some signs of Spring. People's tulips and daffodils are poking through. The trees are starting to flower!! (Hello allergies). The temperature often rises above 55 degrees. You have no idea what this does for my psyche. Would you like to know? Oh come on, you know you want to know....

This weather makes me want to dig my hands in the dirt and plant things. I get this urge every Spring, but I never act on it. Each year the urge is stronger. I may just have to give in to it. I also want to walk around in the grass with my barefeet, wearing a long flowy skirt that blows in the breeze. I want to clean my house and surround myself with beautiful things, then throw open the windows and let the Spring come inside. I want to cook beautiful meals. Spring really inspires me!

I am so sorry for any readers who feel that my last paragraph was ridiculous and weird. I told you I was going to share what happens to my psyche!

I am still annoyed that I haven't written about my life lately. I went through all of Spring Break....a glorious week at home with my girls....without posting even once! We had a truly wonderful Spring Break right here at home. More on that later.

Thanks for reading. If you live in the Midwest, I am sure you are as happy as I am about the signs of Spring all around!!