A couple of weeks before Christmas, I invited my niece and two of my former students over to bake and decorate some cookies. It was quite the adventure. Please excuse the smudge that was on my camera lens....I think it is from the cookie dough that I secretly ate raw before the guests arrived. Here are my two little bakers, Avery and Sarah.
We made the dough from scratch the night before....wait, correction....my husband made the dough from scratch the night before. If I didn't make that correction, I know he would rat me out in the comments section. Unfortunately, I thought I had all the ingredients, but realized that I didn't at about 11 p.m. Let's just say I am grateful for a very nice hubby and for Kroger for being open 24 hrs. Here is Baker Avery rolling out her dough. One of the bakers (I won't mention any names) thought the rolling pin was supposed to be licked repeatedly, but I won't talk about that.
Baker Avery decorated her cookies with flair...
My two guests were the fabulous, wonderful, brilliant Flick sisters. Marissa is the older sister. The younger one with the mischievous smile is Claire. I had both of these girls in second and third grade. That is four years of Flick! They were consecutive years! When the four years were up and I realized there were no more Flick sisters coming my way, I actually had a bout of depression. Where will I get more candy covered caramel apples? (They know what I mean) The Flick parents are wonderful too! Mama Flick single handedly likes to challenge school authority on matters such as silly food rules for school parties. I appreciate that in her! She is not afraid to stand up for things that she thinks are crazy.....unlike me, who is forever afraid of school authority (even though I never got in any trouble as a student or teacher). Mama Flick and I broke school food rules one time together.....of course, that is when the principal walked by. He just shook his head and smiled. He knew who he was dealing with! Papa Flick is a funny guy too. He said there was no way he would come over to my house on cookie day to bake with a bunch of women. Like my own husband, he is doomed to a future of being surrounded by all women. Hahaha. Just that alone makes me laugh. Take a look at these innocent sisters. I bet they never ever fight.
Claire, trying to look innocent. I was your teacher for two years....you can't fool me.
Conditions in my kitchen were interesting to say the least. Luckily the health department was not visiting for inspections because I am sure we had many, many violations.
Like Marissa's blue nail polish...
or Piper spitting out chewed up M&Ms on our cooking surface...
or Sarah repeatedly licking frosting off her fingers, the knife, and everything else while she was rolling dough and decorating...
or Sarah eating a handful of green sprinkles and showing us her black tongue...
(P.S. This kid is not supposed to eat a lot of sugar. Aunt Lindsay could be in trouble for this one when her Mommy sees this)
In the end, we all had lots of fun and made tons of cookies. For some odd reason (I have no idea why) the Flicks only wanted to take home the cookies that they made themselves. I am still confused as to why they wouldn't want cookies that were touched by a four year old, a six year old and a toddler. I mean who cares that they probably picked their noses, licked their fingers, and scratched themselves the whole time. Doesn't everyone do that while baking? The Flick cookies looked amazing. Nice, neat, edible. The Sarah/Avery cookies looked like Sarah and Avery....hot messes.
The Flicks did bring me a gift. It is the Christmas gift that keeps giving. Something I will truly cherish. You guessed it......MEAT! Being the loyal blog followers that they are, they noticed that I cook with beef a lot. Since their Grandpa is an actual cattle farmer, they brought me fresh beef! Chuck roast, T-bones, and Ground Beef! I got a little weepy. It was one of the best gifts of Christmas.
Thanks for a fun day Sandi, Marissa, Claire, Sarah, Avery and Piper! I will never look at a rolling pin the same.
I could have saved a lot of money this year and just bought you a side of ribs instead of a Coach handbag. Next year...Pork Roast!
Now hold on there....moms aren't allowed to get their daughters meat for Christmas. How about meat in a Coach handbag? That sounds both classy and functional.
Yes, I agree classy and functional, but that is how we roll. Nothing says "holiday" like a good rump roast.
Avery has mastered the discrete casual thumbs up. She is like mini-Fonz.
I know from experience, dont ask how, that meat + handbag = not so awesome.
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