Friday, February 4, 2011

Sweet Dreams!

Today was my sweet Piper's 3rd Birthday. We had a great day that included donuts, cupcakes, presents, and Whoopee cushions! As the evening began to wind down, we decided to have a movie night in the "big bed" in Mommy and Daddy's room. Our King Size bed was one of the best investments we ever made because it allows all of us to be in it to watch cartoons together, play board games, etc. Piper got a new Barbie DVD, so the girls decided they wanted to watch that tonight to end the birthday celebrating! Everyone got in their jammies and got in bed. I went to check my email and ten minutes later turned around to see this....

I am not sure if you can tell, but the above picture includes my husband, Piper snuggled up close to him, Avery on my side, and THREE pillow pets: a penguin, a bumblebee, and a ladybug! Everyone was lightly snoring!

I love how Avery has her own area and is guarding the remote control like the control freak she truly is.....that is SO AVERY.

My favorite part of this whole thing is the way Piper fell asleep with her arm around my husband! How sweet is that?? Check out her tiny hot pink fingernails.

I love my three snuggle bugs!!! Now....time to think about how there will be room for me tonight!