Friday, January 22, 2010

Week 3 Weigh-in and More!

Happy Friday, dear readers! I see you all checking up on me on my feed, and I sincerely hope you aren't disappointed when there aren't new posts. I don't want my lovely readers to give up on me or to be left wanting more, so I have come to the conclusion that I really, really need to post more frequently. My brain is literally swimming with ideas to put on this here blog, but lately I have been caught up reading other peoples' lovely blogs and neglecting my own! So here is a promise for you...I promise to post least three times a week.

The first update I am sure you have been wondering about (or not) is my Week 3 weight. Yes, you will notice it is only .5 of a pound less than Week 2. I can attribute that to the birthday party where I had yummy buffalo chicken dip and chips, pizza, and cake/ice cream. Or perhaps it was the day I felt crummy and had McDonalds and Pizza Hut in one day.

I am not too discouraged though. I worked out every single day. On Wednesday when this picture on the scale was taken, I went to two hours worth of classes at LA Fitness. Latin Impact and Hip Hop....right up my alley! I really liked hip hop. It brought me back to my dancing days because we learned choreography for an entire dance. I promise my scale picture will be more encouraging next Wednesday! Besides the lack of major loss in this picture, can you say, "Hello, you need a pedicure?" Sorry about the toenails in this picture. I hope you will still be able to eat your lunch.

Interested in my weight loss journey where I throw caution to the wind and tell the world my weight each week? Read more about Week 1 and Week 2 to get caught up. My weight is no longer a secret. I wonder if Victoria's Secret is her weight? Hahaha! Victoria is probably a 500 lb. woman who makes lingerie for the masses. Sorry for that totally random thought.

In other news, I had a big idea this week for the blog. You probably don't realize this about me, but on any given day, I have all kinds of showtunes floating around in my head. I swear....anyone who doesn't know me and reads this blog would probably guess I am 50 years old or so. I SWEAR I am just least for a couple more weeks. I just grew up listening to oldies and watching very old movies. Since these showtunes pop in my head at the most unusual times, I thought maybe I should feature a "showtune of the week" on my blog. Then you could see the crazy things that pop in my head, like when I am at the store and my brain is screaming, "Byyyyeeeee, Byyyyeeee, Birdieeeeeee."

Here are some pics to get you excited.....South Pacific and Bye Bye Birdie. The songs pretty much make me swoon. There is no one more gorgeous than Ann Margaret in Bye Bye Birdie. Not even my tattooed foot standing on my scale.

Speaking of music....
My good friend Natalie turned thirty last week. Her hubby made a gorgeous video of her set to an amazing song. In my last post, I talked about art and how some things just make my heart skip a beat. The same thing happens with certain songs. I heard the song on Natalie's video and my heart stopped. I had to know what it was! Keep in mind, I have very eclectic and often unusual musical taste. Natalie told me that the band was Devotchka and the song was "Queen of Surface Streets." I literally had about a one hour love affair with Devotchka on iTunes yesterday.
Here they are....
aren't they lovely?
They use a huge variety of instruments and their sound is so unique. I googled the lyrics to "Queen of Surface Streets" and swooned all over again. Their lyrics are poetry.
Can you tell yet that I am a little dramatic? Can you tell I am a little quirky?
Please just love me anyway.
P.S. The highlight of my week was that the beloved artist who painted my favorite paintings actually commented on my last blog post. Deirdre Friebely, herself, was on my little old blog! I think I swooned again.
Have you heard any songs lately that made you "swoon"? Fill me in! Leave a comment!


Starla said...

I would like to point out that I will be turning 51 on Monday and I have Jay Sean tunes floating in my head not showtunes. That said, it is very clear that both my daughter and I are random in our thought processes. Great minds...

Starla said...

Thanks for reminding me about your beloved artwork last post! The birthday fairy was reminded of some great gift ideas for her if I just had that website...

Lindsay said...

Well, hello, mother. How lovely to meet you here. Jay Sean, huh? Are you channeling your inner 21 year old? Have we been switched, ala Jodi Foster/Freaky Friday style? The website to our fav artist is on this blog silly! Look at the links to your right.

Starla said...

Don't "Well, hello, mother" me! I check the block almost daily. Not Jody Foster, more like Lindsay Lohan. It is our inner "gypsy" that makes us have such varied tastes. One day country, the next Jay Sean! I am a woman of many tastes. LOL

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